Scholarships for New Students

Incoming students are eligible for various scholarships based on merit, service and affiliations. We invite you to browse these opportunities and consider applying for them when applying to our programs.

Scholarship applications are due 14 days after confirming your intent to enroll in an the master’s or certificate program. For example, if you confirm your intent to enroll on the 1st of the month, you must submit your scholarship application by midnight on the 15th of the month.

Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship

The Federal Academic Alliance scholarship awards 15% of tuition costs each semester to eligible federal employees across the country as part of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s effort to address critical skills gaps in mission-critical occupations. The scholarship is available to eligible Fall or Spring semester applicants. Recipients remain eligible to receive the scholarship for the duration of their academic program, as long as they remain employed by the federal government.

Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Application

Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Recipients

  1. Submit an application to Executive Master’s or Certificate program.
  2. In the online application under the Application Details section, please select “Federal Government” from the menu in response to this question: Are you affiliated with or are you applying in conjunction with an organization or program listed below?
  3. Be admitted and confirm your intention to enroll.
  4. Submit the Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Application within two weeks of confirming your intention to enroll in the program. In this application, you will need to upload your Federal Leave and Earnings Statement certifying your employment with the Federal Government.

Note: Dependents and family members do not qualify for tuition benefits under this agreement.

Maryland Tech Council Scholarship

The Executive Master’s and Certificate programs welcome employees of Maryland Tech Council member companies and organizations to further their education at reduced tuition. The Maryland Tech Council Scholarship covers 15% of tuition each semester. Recipients are eligible for the scholarship for the duration of their academic program, as long as they remain employed by an MTC-associated company or organization. (Please note that MTC membership through Georgetown University does not qualify for this scholarship.)

Maryland Tech Council Scholarship Application

  1. Submitted an application for the Masters or Certificate Program
  2. You are affiliated with or are applying in conjunction with an organization or program listed
  3. Be admitted and confirm your intention to enroll
  4. Submit the Maryland Tech Council Scholarship Application no later than 14 days after confirming your intent to enroll in the Master’s or Certificate program. For example, if you confirm your intent to enroll on the 1st of the month, you must submit your scholarship application by midnight on the 15th of the month. Obtain your proof of employment (recent pay stub, W2) certifying your employment with a member company/organization.

If you have any questions regarding your Scholarship Application, please contact .